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Center of Focus

Writer's picture: Carrie ZimmermanCarrie Zimmerman

August 20, 2023

Focus on the Fabulous

It was a bright shiny day as we rolled out the red carpet to welcome students back to school on Monday! It just wasn’t the same without them on campus and the Center staff celebrated welcoming the stars of the show- our students- back on campus! We had a great start to the school year and it truly was a celebration.

Students and staff are focused on establishing expectations and routines. All staff has been working hard to get prepared for a great start to the 2023-2024 school year!

We are really excited about the amazing staff that we have assembled at Center Schools! We have a great mix of invigorated veteran staff, both from Center and other districts, and new, energetic teachers who are just starting out in the profession. It’s a great year to be a Viking!


Practices have started for all of our fall sports- cross country, football, and volleyball. It sounds like we have a lot of students out to participate and we are looking forward to some fun competitions. Our lady Viking volleyball team will be on the road on Thursday night, headed to Antonito for the first game of the season. Our first home football game will be this Friday night!

On Thursday, CMAS data was released publicly. The district will be analyzing the data in depth at our PLC on Friday. We definitely have some things to celebrate. Highlights include 3rd-grade students showing improvements in academic achievement in both English language arts and math, an increase in students meeting and/or exceeding expectations in 4th-grade math, and an increase in students meeting and/or exceeding expectations in 5th-grade ELA. Skoglund Middle School showed a great deal of positive growth- across the board in ELA- and great scores in 6th and 8th-grade math. Our ELL students did exceptionally well at the middle school and demonstrated growth at 60%- higher than the state average! We are still waiting for some of the high school data to be available, but at this point, areas to celebrate are growth data in 10th-grade ELA and 11th-grade math.

Saturday, the town of Center, had a fantastic end-of-summer party that included some great bands, vendors, a parade, and a fireworks show! Kudos to the Town Board for putting on a fun event that all of the Center community could enjoy together!

Fast Forward

We have a lot going on this week. Check things out below!

Calendar Dates

Monday, August 21st- Finance Meeting with Opportunity Coalition

Tuesday, August 22nd- Behavior Referral Meeting

Wednesday, August 23rd - CCSD Administration Team Meeting, Weekly Superintendent PLC, District Ownership Team (DOT) Meeting

Thursday, August 24th- Staff Tuition Incentive Application Deadline and Review, UPD Superintendent’s Town hall, CHS Volleyball @ Antonito, CCSD All Staff Get Together @ Farm Brewery- 4:00 pm

Friday, August 25th- ½ PLC, ½ workday- no students. 1st Home Football game vs. Platte Canyon @ 7:00 pm

Saturday, August 26th- CHS Volleyball @ Primero- 10:00 am



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